The principles of kitchen design

When designing your kitchen, there are many kitchen principles to keep in mind to maximize functionality. This article will be going over five of the most important principles:


The kitchen Work Triangle

This is the kitchen layout that makes movement between these spaces easy and efficient: the sink, stove, and refrigerator. Make sure that there is ample space to move between these spots but also make sure they are not too far apart so that food preparation is efficient.


Kitchen Work Zones

The kitchen work triangle leads to the kitchen work zones. These zones are the places that are dedicated to different functions like preparation, cooking, cleaning, and consuming. You want to make sure these spaces are separated from each other but organized to also maximize the efficiency and workflow.


Traffic Flow

When designing your kitchen, you also want to make sure there is nothing obstructing the pathways. Another thing to take into consideration is the placement of a kitchen island. There should be at least 36” of space around the island and the kitchen work triangle pathway should be clear.



Make sure there are enough cabinets to have maximum storage space. This allows for organization and less clutter in the kitchen.



Lastly, make sure to have fun and be creative when designing. The kitchen is one of the most used rooms, therefore you want to make sure it lives up to your standards!


Designing a kitchen can be difficult, but the end product makes it all worth it. Visit our inspiration page to get more ideas on how to design your dream kitchen.

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