How to measure your kitchen

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When remodeling your kitchen, it is very important that everything is being measured as accurately as possible. Who wants cabinets that do not fit perfectly together or cabinet doors that do not open fully? 

This blog will go over how to measure your kitchen, provide some advice on how to do it properly, and bring you one step closer to your dream kitchen. 


First you will need:

1. Tape Measure

2. Paper

3. Pencil


To start measuring:

1. Start by sketching an outline of the kitchen and marking where there are any doors and windows.

2. Next mark down if there are any cabinets, or draw your desired cabinet layout. Now you can move on to marking where any appliances belong.

3. Next measure each wall and doorway. 

Tip: Measure from the beginning of the wall to the edge of the window/doorway, or wall to wall if there are no windows/doorways in the way.

4. Then you can move on to measuring the windows. 

Tip: Make sure to measure the outer edge of each side of the window. 

5. Lastly, measure the floor to ceiling. 

Remember: Make sure everything is being recorded onto the sketch! 

6. Last few notes: You want to make sure you specify if there are, or if you want, lower/upper cabinets set in place onto the sketch. 


It is okay if the sketch isn’t perfect, remember your contractor will finish any last touches! Now you can start deciding on which cabinets you want in your kitchen.


Take a look at our inspiration page to get more ideas!


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